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Men's Ministry

Our Men's Hub at Real Life Ministries is a community of men who come together to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, encourage one another, and fellowship together. We offer various Bible studies, small groups, and events throughout the year.

The Men of Real Life meet on the first Saturday of every month, at 8:00 am at RLMSV, for breakfast and fellowship.  This is a great opportunity to connect with other men in our church and community.   Join us as we seek to follow Jesus together!


RL Youth

Our Youth Ministry at Real Life Ministries is dedicated to helping young people grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We offer various programs and events, such as youth groups, and retreats, that provide opportunities for fellowship, worship, and discipleship. We are reaching the world for Jesus one student at a time through an intentional community, real relationships, and unconditional love. 

Grades 6-12

Wednesdays from 6pm to 8pm

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RLMSV Benevolence Ministry

Benevolence Ministry

Our Benevolence Ministry's at Real Life Ministries is committed to sharing the love of Jesus Christ with our local community and beyond. Our Mission is to "Do with and not for" our neighbors. We want to provide a hand-up and not a hand-out. We feel there are three parts to assisting people: our part, their part, and God's part.

RLMSV Worship Ministry

Worship Ministry

Our Worship Ministry at Real Life Ministries is a community of musicians and singers who use their gifts to worship and glorify God. We offer various opportunities to get involved such as, worship team and special praise nights! Come and use your talents to serve the Lord!

RLMSV Kid's Ministry

Kid's Ministry

Real Life Kids exists to come alongside parents as they begin to disciple their children. The average parent has 3000 hours in a given year to influence the life of their child. The church only has 40 hours to influence the lives of those same children. If we work together with parents there is potential to make a greater impact than working alone. 


Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry at Real Life Ministries is a community of women who come together to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, encourage one another, and fellowship together. We offer various Bible studies, small groups, and events throughout the year. Join us as we seek to follow Jesus together!


Trail Life Ministry

Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered, boy-focused, outdoor adventure, leadership, and character development ministry.  This ministry is available to boys kindergarten thru 12th grade.  Real Life Ministries Silver Valley is looking to fully launch this ministry in September, with a monthly event up until that time.  Please use this registration to sign up your boy(s).  This is a heavy volunteer driven ministry, so please consider signing up as an adult to help as well.

Hiking Friends

Re-Generation Recovery

Re:generation is a 12-step discipleship ministry based on the principles of healing and life transformation found in the Bible. At re:generation, we believe that anyone can experience new life and freedom in Christ by working through biblical steps within authentic community. Re:generation is a safe place for everyone, no matter where you are in life or on your faith journey.

Real Life Ministries Silver Valley, 708 N. Division Street, Pinehurst, ID 83850   |  Tel: (208) 682-4801 

 Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Discovery Zone Hours: Monday through Wednesday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm & Thursdays 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Service Times: Sundays at 9:00 am and 11:00 am


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